Friday, May 7, 2010

Off to a rocky start

My cutest friend Camille called me this morning, She invited us to go to Mc'D's to let our little munchkins play in play land.  My little man was so excited
we got our shoes on and met them there 15 min later...Off they go down the slide then opps my little guy tripped, hit his head on the table bounced off and smacked his head on a steal rod
and split his head wide open....Needless to say that was the end of the play date.
I hate being the one to decide if they need stitches, If it would have been on his face It would have been a no brain er, but it wasn't it is in his hair in the back.  Of course dad say's scars are cool. It is fine, That is why we all have Mom's.
In the end I shaved off a spot around it and did butterfly band aid thing. So sad :-(
He was more upset about not getting his french fries than anything else.  Grandma saved the day, She showed up with a brand new happy meal. 
AHHH Life is good when all you need is a happy meal to make life all better.

The day and the life of me.

I guess I will just start with me..since that is who I am.
I am a Wife, I am Mother to my 2 Incredible boys and 3 step kids. I am the cook, the chamber maid, the gardner, the comforter and still manage to work a full time job.
There are many days I find that the Me part of my life has vanished. Between running to ball games, doing laundry, dishes snuggling my littlest little when he is sad or hurt by the time everyone is tucked in at night Me is still lost in a corner somewhere and I am to dang tired to go try to find her.
I decided that I am going to blog about me..All the things that I once used to enjoy doing.  As I started thinking about all the things I would like to do, I realized I would not want to do any of those things without my family.  If I took a trip I would think Oh I wish I could show my boys this, or so and so would love that.  It would be very lonely.
So  Instead I decided instead of just me, You will get the whole shabang. Not very exciting but I do like to blog so who better to blog about then those things in life we love...which for me is my family!